"Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain." Philippians 2:14-16
GLOW! This was the theme of OneGirl 2012, and it was a gift to serve during this retreat for 4th through 12th grade girls! This was my second year leading the breakout on missions, but the first time I was invited to speak in one of the four main sessions. It was a blast to share with the girls, hear their hearts in the break out, speak to them about their identity and spiritual gifts in the main session and watch them enjoy the time to be poured into!
One of my favorite parts of this retreat is getting to return to the church I attended while I was a student at IU. Getting to serve alongside friends and supporters during the weekend is a gift! The OneGirl retreat is based off a book written by the women's minister at Sherwood Oaks Christian Church in Bloomington IN. Claudia Mitchell and Kim Goad wrote "One Girl Can Change the World" and last weekend was the 3rd annual OneGirl Retreat!

Girls lined up before the doors opened to kickoff the retreat Friday
Beth getting Friday night off to a great start
Our awesome breakout coordinator, Laura, made these great signs for us!
4th-6th grade World Changers: Missions Break Out
From the 4th-6th grade missions breakout :)
My adopted sisters! These sweet girls and their family adopted me 7 years ago through the church's "Adopt-a-college student" ministry, now the girls are 6th-10th grade... SO fun to have them at the OneGirl retreat and stay with them during the weekend!!!
Main session worship!
7th-12grade World Changers: Missions Breakout
Break out... :)
Me speaking in the main session about spiritual gifts.
We talked about Christ's example of serving with humility in Philippians 2.
Then the girls had a chance to take a spiritual gift assessment and brainstorm with those gifted the same way about how they could be using their gifts right now in this stage!
Each group was lead by an adult gifted in that way!
Got to sit with this 14-year-old named Karen during most of the worship sessions! Pray for Karen as she lives out her gift of service with those around her!
A girl named Lydia shared with me after the main session that she knows she wants to be a missionary. She has known since she was 8 years old and is now 16. Please join me in praying for her as God continues to develop His character in her life for His glory!
Another sweet girl named Ashley shared with me during our breakout that she would really like to learn how to start a not-for-profit... she's not yet 12 years old! Join me in praying for her sweet heart. That God would continue to fuel her passion and use her for whatever vision He has in mind.
There were hundreds of girls participating this weekend, and each was uniquely made by our Creator with HIS purpose in mind (Ephesians 2:10). It is exciting to see them SHINE and take JOY in their Savior. Please pray with me that He will continue to make Himself known to each of them.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support and your part in these young women's lives!!!
If you're interested in One Girl 2013, click here for more info: http://onegirlconference.com or find OneGirl on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/OneGirlRetreat
May God bless you today as you SHINE for Him :)
Love, Beka