Exciting, Exhausting, Lively, Busy, Comical, Prayerful, Enthusiastic…and did I mention Busy? This is life in the communications department! I’m so thankful to be in my second month now serving at One Mission Society’s World Headquarters!
It is really a blessing to finally be in the position I’ve been looking forward to for the past year and a half. The staff here is so great. They are encouraging and love to joke around, and they challenge me with their attitudes of service as we are continually being handed new projects to add to already full workloads.
One of the main things I knew I’d be doing as an associate writer and editor was writing stories for One Mission Society’s Web site. My co-worker Jessica and I have our first stories are up! Go to www.onemissionsociety.org, and you’ll see the stories scrolling across the homepage. Jesus is healing people, revealing himself and building communities of those who want to know him, and so we continue to write what we can to share what we see him doing!
But this is not how I spend most of my time. From day one, it’s been easy to see that there is no shortage of work to be done! Working as a writer/editor here has been a juggling act to say the least :) but the variety makes it exciting and creates lots of opportunities to learn. My co-workers are examples in good work ethic. There are eight of us serving in the communications department, trying to meet the communications needs of the other departments at headquarters and individual missionaries here and overseas, while managing the Web sites and producing Outreach magazine three times a year.
So, besides writing stories, here are a few of the projects I’ve been working on! Each week I edit prayer tools that go out to churches and prayer supporters. I’ve helped some missionary friends with a DVD about their ministry. I had the exciting chance to edit a devotional book our department put together to give to women in the Philippines. This was right up my alley and a last minute (6 weeks before the trip) project, so it was so fun to help with it! I’ve also been learning how to manage content on the Web site and have been updating it. This week, Jessica and I will also start writing radio stories, and I’ll be helping with some legwork for a video project.
It’s exciting to be a part of this team! Since moving, I’ve been getting a bigger picture of OMS and how our department and my role fit into meeting needs, so that others can hear about Christ! I hope this update tells you a little bit about how we contribute and in turn how you are contributing through your prayers and financial support of my ministry. Thank you for being a part of this team and for the encouragement you are to me!