3 weeks until I move to Greenwood!
25 days until training starts!
$900/month left in needed financial support!
Eighty percent! I can’t believe it, but why am I surprised? God is caring and faithful, and yet I can tell by my reaction that I still have seeds of doubt. Why do I so often choose to trust myself over Him when He proves Himself trustworthy over and over again? I don’t know…but I’m thankful that He does not run out of patience. I’m so excited about this ministry team that He has been forming! Thank you to each of you for the part that you play.
Just four months ago, my sweet friend Robin and I were sitting at her dining room table in Indy. It snowed so hard that February night that my car was stuck in the driveway, but it was a great place to be stuck if you ask me… We sat with our coffee, brainstorming ways to share with people about how I’m serving with One Mission and praying for 50 percent of my funding by the end of March. On March 30, my support jumped from 49 to 52 percent, and on March 31st, I was able to fill out my paperwork at headquarters confirming that I was more than 50 percent funded. Isn’t it amazing how exact God’s timing can be?
Now with three weeks before my move, I’m at 80 percent! It’s been so exciting to see God provide! I’m not very good at always trusting in His timing, but when I think back to this provision in March or how He provided the opportunity for me to serve with this organization or any other time He has taken care of me…I remember that it is really the only thing to do.
Would you join me in praying for this last 20 percent? Would you consider becoming a part of this financial team yourself?
Thanks for coming alongside me and joining in this ministry!