He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on
the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our
Lord, is faithful. 1 Corin. 1:8-9
Faithful. God our Father is Faithful. And He has continually proven his
faithfulness over these past few months.
Through our time in Haiti.
Through opportunities to dig into His Word in community. Through calling more missionaries to
serve around the world. Through
bringing eight new interns to our OMS campus. And even through saying goodbye
to dear friends who serve overseas or on the other side of the country. But most importantly, in all these
ways, He revealed HIMSELF and stood true to His promise to be faithful to HIS
CHARACTER. That brings such
security, don’t you think?
June is a big month here at OMS World Headquarters. Last week, we welcomed the
International Regional Directors (the missionaries that lead Europe, Asia,
Latin America, and Africa) to meet with our International Ministries
Department. This week the meetings
got larger, as each field director from around the world has arrived for the
Missionary Council meeting this week.
In Mobilization, we are always so happy when these meetings
come around. It is a time when we
get to meet face-to-face with those we work with all-year-around. As a regional advocate in Mobilization,
I work most closely with the field directors for Latin America and Africa, so
to have them on our campus for a few days is a sweet gift. To get to pray together in person, ask
any clarifying questions about roles we are recruiting for, or present them
with an applicant I am working with is so much fun to get to do in person.
Friday, our director Paul and I had a great meeting with our
Brazil field director, Micah.
Today, we were able to meet with two key missionary contacts from Haiti,
and last week, Aimee (who I stayed with while in Mozambique last year) and I
were able to visit over a quick lunch.
It is a time when God brings our OMS body together a little more than
June is exciting for more reasons than this… It is also the
month our summer internship program begins! Last year, was our first year putting together an
organization-wide internship program and this is my second-year serving as director
of summer internships. We’ve
welcomed eight collegiate interns onto our campus this summer and they’ve
finished their first week. It’s
exciting to see them settle into their assignments, but what is more exciting
to me is getting to watch and walk alongside them as God stretches, challenges
and teaches them more about Himself while they’re here. It is an awesome thing to see!
Yesterday, as I was driving to visit my parents for Father’s
day, one of them called me a couple of times in a row. Worried something was wrong, I answered
right away. She told me they were
fine but they had run into a homeless woman on our campus and weren’t sure what
to do. The four young women relied
on each other and together spent their afternoon, loving on this lost, scared
woman and helping her find her home.
It turned out she did in fact have a home nearby. As soon as I was back last night, they
had me over to their apartment to hear about the day, debrief, check-in with
them and most importantly PRAY. It
encouraged my heart so much to see their desire to intercede for the woman that
they met. I thank God that-- even
in their first week here-- they are already desiring to be available and
obedient to the Lord.
OMS defines a disciple as an obedient follower of Christ. Each missionary with OMS is a part of making disciples. Within my assignment in Mobilization, I disciple others through coaching and shepherding those God is calling to the mission field. My prayer is that through my coming alongside these applicants they might continue forward, following obediently where Jesus leads them. While working with the field directors in my region, I aim to encourage them and know their needs for new missionaries on their field that more may hear the Gospel and become disciples too.
Would you join me in praying over these things as God brings them to
- The Missionary Council, Leadership and Board
meetings happening at OMS Headquarters this month. Please join us in asking God for wisdom, unity and
fruitfulness to come out of these meetings. Ask God to pour out His Spirit and bind our leaders
- The woman the interns comforted yesterday.
- Wisdom, love and strength for me as I continue
to lead a Bible study at the hotel on Wednesday nights.
- The summer interns and me, as they continue to
faithfully serve in their ministry assignments, and I continue to direct their
program through August 4.
- Wednesday, I will speak about Burundi in the
Hope61 anti-human trafficking training.
Please be praying over our time together.
I thank God for you!
And for your prayers, support and encouragement! Thank you for joining in sending
missionaries out with the Gospel through our Mobilization team!
With love,